Hosting a Private Event Soon? Here’s What to Check Out First


Hosting an event is exciting, but it is also no doubt challenging so it is necessary that you know where to look first. As a provider of concierge service and private event space, we suggest checking for the following features before delving into other considerations.

  • Venue capacity and minimums
    Choosing the venue is one of the big-ticket items on your list as it sets the entire tone of your event. It is also key to ensuring the safety of your guests considering the fire and safety codes that your venue has to abide by.
  • Venue ambiance
    Are you hosting an after-work get-together for your fellow car enthusiasts? A social club could serve your event better than a ballroom or a great banquet hall.
  • Amenities and inclusions
    Having a complete list of the amenities and inclusions available in your chosen venue will determine what you would need to provide yourself or whether you would need to move the whole event to another venue entirely.

For instance, if you are hosting your car club in New Jersey, you need to consider whether your venue can accommodate parking.

CAR LOFTS has got everything covered. All our event spaces—The Loft, The Warehouse, Carloft, and Office Suites and Conferences—have guest capacities of up to 250 people, in house sound system, built in audio and visual amenities, ample parking, excellent concierge services, and even a strategic vehicle storage facility in Fairfield, New Jersey, you can always look forward to a successful event with us.

For more information about our venues and services, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today.

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